Saturday, September 19, 2009

Later the same day (yes, I'm a little scattered). You see, my baby daughter is going off to college on Thursday, not Thursday of 2020, but Thursday of next week. Tomorrow, being Sunday, will bring it even closer -- Thursday of THIS week. Right now, I can relax. It's not until next week.

So, given that I have so much time, I thought I might landscape the yard, or repaint the house, or sell everything in the house and start over, or write a book -- and I don't mean once she's gone. I mean before next week which, technically, begins tomorrow. So I'll do one or some combinations of these things today. Why not? I have three hours before I have to shower and go to work. I raised a daughter, which means I can move mountains. What's a paint job? All I have to is choose a color ... oh god, that's food for blogging right there.

Maybe I'll organize a drawer, a small one. The one in the kitchen with only dishtowels in it. I'll alphabetize them by color. Anything not to face, you know.

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